Hiking blogs and websites of note

A collection of blogs and websites of hikers we have corresponded with from around the world. Still under construction and will be expanded soon!


Wee Steps to Mountain Goathood – Blog by journalist, AMCI member, and PinoyMountaineer Equipment Adviser Cecil Morella. Interesting discussions on hiking experiences and gear reviews.

Tochs Thoughts on Climbing Manila – Personal blog by PALMC member Tochs Razon.

Orang Gunung Kuala Lumpur – A leading hiking club based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia who visited the Philippines for a hiking trip in 2010, with two hikes hosted by PinoyMountaineer.com
My Mountain Adventures – Blog by Penang-based Shaun Yap, detailing his hiking, running, and other adventures. Also in correspondence with PinoyMountaineer.com
Adventure Gunung – Blog by Zaidi Bidin, a very active Malaysian hiker/outdoorsman, detailing hikes in Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and elsewhere.
Easy Hiker – Website by a UK-based hiker Michael Schuerman and his Filipina wife Marlys. Information on easy hikes and adventures in England and elsewhere. In active correspondence with PinoyMountaineer.com.
Korea in the Clouds – A very useful blog that details hiking in South Korea.
Hiking in Japan – A very useful blog/reference on hiking in Japan.

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3 Comments on "Hiking blogs and websites of note"

12 years 8 months ago

I love these mountaineer blogs, just like one big community!

13 years 5 months ago

Hi Gideon,
Thanks for promoting my blog here. Just came back from climbing Mt Kinabalu. Am planning a trip to Mt Rinjani in Sept this year. Cheers!

13 years 5 months ago

good day,
can you join my blog (local) http://ybbsoutdoors.blogspot.com/
my email add ybbsoutdoors@gmail.com