Announcing the establishment of a Medical Outdoor Society

I am pleased to announce that a Medical Outdoor Society will be established very soon, with the following objectives:
(1) To bring health to the outdoors: Engaging in sustainable projects that will benefit highland communities around the country.
(2) To bring the outdoors to the health sector: Promoting the outdoor way of life among various medical fields.
(3) To foster camaraderie among various health professions, regardless of position, status, institution, hospital, or affiliation.
(4) To lead in health and safety education among outdoor people, including first aid, emergency preparedness, and disaster response.
(5) Engaging in ideas on environmental health: How health people can play a role of protect and preserve the environment.
Committees will be formed to address these specific objectives.
Membership is open to all health professionals and students (medicine, nursing, dentistry, physical and occupational therapy, pharmacy, medical technology, public health, midwifery, etc.) who are interested in the outdoors regardless of school, hospital, institution, or affiliation. However, all members must demonstrate responsible behavior and good conduct befitting a health professional and an outdoorsman. No skill level or experience is required upon membership; outdoor and first aid courses will be organized within the Society in the future.
Chapters may be established in schools, hospitals, or institutions with a membership of 15 or more. Membership is not limited to the Manila area; we will be forming chapters in Davao and Cebu as well. Membership in the Society does not preclude or exclude membership from other outdoor clubs or groups.
Becoming a founding member of the society by signing up through email! A General Assembly will be held this summer in R.O.X. Philippines (date to be announced). Please email this simple form to
Mobile Number:
Reason for Joining:
Thank you and looking forward to meeting everyone!
Note: The logo of the Medical Outdoor Society is temporary and will be changed soon.

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3 Comments on "Announcing the establishment of a Medical Outdoor Society"

11 years 3 months ago

hi sir,

this is JM Alvarez, president of SAGA Mountaineering Club…

I/We are quite interested to join this proposal…

let's do this! I'll email you my info.


13 years 9 months ago

any updates for this medical outdoor society?

13 years 10 months ago

This sounds like a great idea! Medicine and outdoor expeditions go hand in hand, in a way, since when you venture far from civilization you are essentially in charge of your own medical needs. I imagine the Medical Outdoor Society will have a strong rescue element? I'm from the USA, and so unfamiliar with Filipino rescue organizations. What type of resources are there for the hiker/climber in an emergency?