Hiking matters #252: Success for the PinoyMountaineer Mt. Kinabalu Expedition 2012

KOTA KINABALU – I am pleased to announce the success of the PinoyMountaineer Mt. Kinabalu Expedition 2012 held from April 12-16, 2012. A total of 37 hikers joined the climb, which was divided into two teams, the advance team of 7 and a main team of 30. 34 out of 37 were able to reach Low’s Peak, the highest point at 4095 MASL.
In behalf of the organizing team led by myself and Ivan Henares, I would like to thank all the participants for their support, cooperation, patience; and I would like to also congratulate everyone for doing their best in overcoming the altitude, the cold, and their physical limits! It was a memorable hike and it was a great pleasure for me to be with the participants. Till next time!
Pictures are courtesy of Lance Dy (lance@pinoymountaineer.com / @LanceLDy) and Rica Peralejo (@ricaperalejo). Follow us on twitter at @pinoymtnr and Facebook at facebook.com/pinoymountaineer.
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1 Comment on "Hiking matters #252: Success for the PinoyMountaineer Mt. Kinabalu Expedition 2012"
Congratulations for your achievements.