Hiking matters #425: Hiking in Cebu Part 2 – Mt. Kan-Irag (Sirao Peak), scenic viewpoint of Cebu and Mactan

After hiking up Mt. Manunggal (see Hiking matters #424), we proceeded to Mt. Kan-Irag, also known as Sirao Peak. I would have preferred the longer trail that starts from  Sitio Budlaan in Talamban closer to the city, but this abbreviated mini-hike  it proved to be a worthy sidetrip, with a short but sweet trail and nice views at the summit.

The trailhead begins at Ayala Heights in Busay – a short turn from the main Transcentral Highway. The hike starts as a walk up some grassy slopes, and enters a short section of forest before emerging back into grassy slopes that characterise the peak.

The hike can be done in less than thirty minutes. Theoretically, with a private vehicle, you can actually peakbag a good number of Cebu peaks in one day – Manunggal, Mauyog, and Sirao in the morning, lunch in Cebu, then head to Osmena Peak and Lanaya in the afternoon. But of course, it is also good to take it one – or two – at a time.

At the top, we were offered a nice view of Metro Cebu: the sprawl of Cebu, Mandaue, and behind them Mactan Island and the Visayan Sea. The city lights make for a good view too, our hosts said, but that will be for another time. Once again thanks to Scarlet Su-Villamor for organising the hike! And thanks to everyone who joined us! 

Hiking matters #424: Mt. Manunggal
Hiking matters #425: Mt. Kan-irag (Sirao Peak)
Hiking matters #426: Mt. Lanaya

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2 Comments on "Hiking matters #425: Hiking in Cebu Part 2 – Mt. Kan-Irag (Sirao Peak), scenic viewpoint of Cebu and Mactan"

10 years 3 months ago



10 years 3 months ago

Maayo unta makakuyog ko sa sunod ninyong hike sir.