Hiking matters #94: MakTrav Friendship Climb with Orang Gunung Kuala Lumpur (OGKL)

PinoyMountaineer.com is a very pleased to have hosted one of the most respected mountaineering clubs in Malaysia and Southeast Asia, the Orang Gunung Kuala Lumpur (OGKL). In July 25, I invited my mountaineering friends to join me in a MakTrav climb (see official article) with the 24-man team from Malaysia. So early morning on that day, we met up at Jolibee Sto. Tomas. We had come from a resort in Pansol, Calamba where we accommodated the group after a climb up Mt. Maculot’s Rockies (will blog about this later).

The weather forecasts were glum but still we pushed through. Trekking commenced at 0715H. Koi Grey and Melo Sanchez, fresh from their 22-hour continuous G2 traverse, joined us and secured the status of the ropes in Melkas. They were accompanied by some members of OGKL including the veteran Uncle Appa. They were followed by a main group, led by MakTrav veterans Sir Martin Cortes, Mayan Gutierrez, myself, and Jacob Sarreal.

After the initial trail-hunting to find the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross), we had our first major stop at the Bahay Kubo (nipa hut) which was already dismantled. The water source too, was no longer available so had to resort to the water in the brook a little bit upstream. Henceforth it was a long march from Palanggana to the Melkas campsite and finally to the breathtaking, challenging Melkas Ridge.

We had quick lunch at Peak 3 (Mt. Cornites; 900 MASL), commencing the trek at 1315H. From this point a heavy downpour set in; the same day Metro Manila was flooded but it was not able to perturb our MakTrav ascent. Finally, we reached the summit, 1090 MASL, at 1445H – not bad considering that we were a large group of 40. It was truly a moment of celebration and friendship when we were at the summit. We congratulated the Malaysian team for the culmination of four mountains in their Explorasi Gunung Gunung Filipina (Exploration of Philippine Mountains) which took them to Mt. Arayat’s South Peak, Pinatubo’s Crater Lake, Mt. Maculot’s Rockies, and finally, Makiling, and not just any ordinary Makiling, but MakTrav.

The descent to UPLB was brisk. We hired a jeepney from the Nursery area to collect all those who remained in the trail; by 1815H everybody was at the Mt. Makiling entrance. A total of 11 hours, 19 kilometers, 40 climbers from 3 nations (special mention to Jo Stevens from New Zealand), and of course, lots of memorable moments to take home. I hope this is just the beginning of many friendship climbs between the Philippines and Malaysia. More power to the Orang Gunung Kuala Lumpur (OGKL) outdoor club! You’re always welcome here in the Philippines.

PinoyMountaineer.com thanks everyone who joined in the Friendship Climb! Special mention to Jacob Sarreal (SBMS), Makoi Grey, and Melo Sanchez (Lumad) who accompanied us from the previous climb up Mt. Maculot, as well as MakTrav veterans (and very good friends) Mayan Gutierrez (PALMC) and Sir Martin Cortes for joining us. Some pictures courtesy of Mayan Gutierrez (2,4,5,6,7) and Koi Grey (1)

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14 Comments on "Hiking matters #94: MakTrav Friendship Climb with Orang Gunung Kuala Lumpur (OGKL)"

12 years 8 months ago

Aakyat po kami sa Damas sa May 19. Nag uuulan sa mga nakaraang araw. Nasa 12 po kami at may 2 na baguhan. May maipapayo pa po ba kayu sa grupo? Salamat po.

12 years 9 months ago

TEACHER deniz:

maktrav actually is for experienced hiker though can do for the strong-willed…try the regular mt. makiling hike for experience..surely then will wake up the mountaineer in you! ey!

12 years 9 months ago

am a science teacher who loves to explore environment ..never had a chance of setting foot to the peak part of the mountain (makiling) i wish had company and favorable time to go up there. but had chance of waling miles from UP gate to PCARRD highways hoping to have traverse experience with you GUYS pls help me see and experience the beauty and feeling of traverse trails in mt makiling..ty 0999 465 7318 muntinlupa business high school _TEACHER deniz

12 years 9 months ago

am a science teacher who loves to explore environment ..never had a chance of setting foot to the peak part of the mountain (makiling) i wish had company and favorable time to go up there. but had chance of waling miles from UP gate to PCARRD highways hoping to have traverse experience with you GUYS pls help me see and experience the beauty and feeling of traverse trails in mt makiling..ty 0999 465 7318 muntinlupa business high school _TEACHER deniz

14 years 5 months ago

it's nice to see my face in one of the photos. haha. i'll never forget this long & harsh MakTrav journey and how nice to share one umbrella with 3 to 4 other friends while waiting for Mr. Heavy Rain to 'calm down'.The funniest thing is, i myself was unsure where the hell those Peak 1, Peak 2 & Peak 3 are. Thanks for the Jeepney ride. Thanks to Uncle Bus Driver too. we were cheered up by the jokes and his odd ascent.

maraming salamat Doc Gid, Jacob, Melo, Mayan and the rest

terimakasih semua and jumpa lagi di Malaysia

Ment Izuwane